11. Binary Tree Practice
Binary Tree Practice
Now, it's your turn! Your goal is to create your own binary tree. You should start with the most basic building block:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
Every node has some value, and pointers to left and right children.
You'll need to implement two methods: search()
, which searches for the presence of a node in the tree, and print_tree()
, which prints out the values of tree nodes in a pre-order traversal. You should attempt to use the helper methods provided to create recursive solutions to these functions.
Let's get started!
Start Quiz:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
class BinaryTree(object):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = Node(root)
def search(self, find_val):
"""Return True if the value
is in the tree, return
False otherwise."""
return False
def print_tree(self):
"""Print out all tree nodes
as they are visited in
a pre-order traversal."""
return ""
def preorder_search(self, start, find_val):
"""Helper method - use this to create a
recursive search solution."""
return False
def preorder_print(self, start, traversal):
"""Helper method - use this to create a
recursive print solution."""
return traversal
# Set up tree
tree = BinaryTree(1)
tree.root.left = Node(2)
tree.root.right = Node(3)
tree.root.left.left = Node(4)
tree.root.left.right = Node(5)
# Test search
# Should be True
print tree.search(4)
# Should be False
print tree.search(6)
# Test print_tree
# Should be 1-2-4-5-3
print tree.print_tree()
This is one solution for BinaryTree:
class BinaryTree(object):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = Node(root)
def search(self, find_val):
return self.preorder_search(tree.root, find_val)
def print_tree(self):
return self.preorder_print(tree.root, "")[:-1]
def preorder_search(self, start, find_val):
if start:
if start.value == find_val:
return True
return self.preorder_search(start.left, find_val) or self.preorder_search(start.right, find_val)
return False
def preorder_print(self, start, traversal):
if start:
traversal += (str(start.value) + "-")
traversal = self.preorder_print(start.left, traversal)
traversal = self.preorder_print(start.right, traversal)
return traversal